Trendmall 紅外線 體溫 溫度計(家用版)

We supply barcodes to companies selling medical products and devices such as Trendmall International Ltd的業務範圍:智能家居及智能辦公室設備,LCD拼接屏,防疫消毒設備

快速人體測溫(額探),採用 TPU 親膚材質,貼着測,更準確,更舒適;高溫警報提醒,靈巧好用,輕鬆拿捏,長效續航,持久體驗。

Trendmall 冷敷寶 T9

屋企必備,潮流新產品,在流感高峰季節,應對孩子們突發性高燒 👍不像退燒貼,沒有化學藥物,沒有味道;可以隨時應急使用 👍溫度(攝氏16度~25度)隨意調教,小朋友感覺什麼溫度適合,由他們說的算,哈哈😍 👍內置鋰電池,充一次電,可以使用55分鐘 👍單次使用時間為20分鐘 👍極受各位媽媽的推崇! 使用方法: 第一次按開關後需長按2秒鐘,馬上進入工作狀態,5秒後,顯示屏顯示剩餘工作時間(20分鐘) 剩餘工作時間結束後,進入待機狀態,停止工作 產品資料: 溫度調節範圍: 攝氏16度~25度 使用環境溫度: 攝氏10度~35度 電池使用時間: 55分鐘 產品尺寸 : 114 x 58 x 37mm 亦可到 看看;

Fast human body temperature measurement (forehead probe), using TPU skin-friendly material, close to the test, more accurate and more comfortable; high temperature alarm reminder, smart and easy to use, easy to handle, long-lasting battery life, lasting experience.

Watch Trendmall videos to learn more about their devices.

To purchase please click

Is using our barcodes on their temperature measurement devices. See more about their medical devices.

Need a device? Then contact Eddie in Pokfulum on +852 5114 6527 or [email protected]



Trendmall International products use EAN-13 retail barcodes. EAN-13 is the most common barcode format. It can be used on all products (expect books, magazines and newspapers).