ISBN Barcodes for Books
Books require an ISBN Number (International Standard Book Number), which gets turned into a barcode image.
Do you have your ISBN Number already?
YES – If you already have an ISBN number but you don’t have a barcode for it, then you can order the barcode images for it below.
NOTE: You’ll be asked to enter your ISBN number into the ‘additional information’ section when you get to the checkout page. Your ISBN number will be automatically turned into barcode images and emailed to you straight away.
NO – You’ll need to get an ISBN Number before we can provide you with the barcode images for it. To get an ISBN Number for a HK publication, contact the HK ISBN Agency. The ISBN number is issued free. Then come back to us to order the ISBN barcode.
Books Registration Office, Hong Kong Public Libraries
Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Address: Room 805, Lai Chi Kok Government Offices, 19 Lai Wan Road, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon
(Exit C, MTR Mei Foo Station)
Telephone: 2180 9145 (ISBNs) / 2180 9146 (Books) / 2742 8981 (Periodicals)
Fax: 2180 9841
E-mail: [email protected]
Office Hours:
Monday to Friday 08:45 a.m. – 01:00 p.m then 02:00 p.m. – 06:00 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays Closed
Sample ISBN Barcode:
Download Sample ISBN Barcode Images (zip file)
You will receive your ISBN barcode images straight away by email (in 5 different formats). You can choose which format to use when printing the barcode picture onto your book cover. We will email your barcode images to you in the standard 13-digit EAN format (i.e. directly encoding your 13-digit ISBN into the 13-digit EAN barcode).
However, we can optionally add a 5-digit price code at the end of your main barcode if you request this in the ‘additional information’ section when ordering. Price code can encode US$, CAD$, GBP, AU$ and NZ$. Please note, however, that most barcode scanners do not ‘pick up’ price codes (only some scanners do), and it is not that common in HK for book barcodes to include price codes. If you want your barcode to include a price code, please specify what price code you want in the “additional information” section when placing your order.
Barcode Registration
“Barcode Registration” means that you can register your barcode number and product/company details on the International Barcodes Database (information that you submit to that database also filters through to several other online barcode databases).
Add the quantity you require to the cart, and then proceed to check out. Please enter your barcode number(s) in the “additional information” section when you get to the check out page.
Once we receive your order for Barcode Registration we will email you to request proof of ownership (so that we can verify that you are the owner of that barcode number). We will then activate your barcode number for registration and give you instructions for how to register your barcode.
Please note that Barcode Registration is included for free if you buy one of our EAN or UPC barcode packages or barcode numbers.
Price per Registration
1 + $ 180 each 5 + $ 150 each 10 + $ 100 each 20 + $ 80 each 30 + $ 60 each 50 + $ 40 each