Barcode Images
Barcode Images
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Buy Barcode Images
Already have barcode numbers but need to buy barcode images? We can make your barcode images and email them to you in 5 minutes.
If you don’t own your barcode numbers then you cannot order images for them. Barcodes numbers come from an international system to ensure the each barcode number is unique. If you need barcode numbers (with images) please order the ‘Barcode Package’ (numbers and images) here.
Enter your barcode number into the “additional information” section on the checkout page.
Once an order is received you will receive an email with the images in 4 different formats (jpeg, png, svg & pdf).
Your barcode images will be emailed to you at standard size (38mm wide by 25mm tall). You (or your designer/printer) can resize the images if necessary. The smallest recommended size is 80% of standard barcode size (ie. about 30mm x 20mm).
Quantity Price per image (HKD)
1 $ 190.00 HK$ 2 $ 140.00 HK$ each 3 $ 100.00 HK$ each 4 + $ 80.00 HK$ each 10 + $ 40.00 HK$ each 20 + $ 25.00 HK$ each 50 + $ 12.00 HK$ each Where to Position your Barcode on the Product
Barcode orientation depends on the curvature of the packaging
If the barcode is going on a flat surface (e.g. a cardboard box), the preferred orientation of the barcode is “picket fence” (where the barcode bars are like a fence, and the barcode number is at the bottom).
If the barcode is going on a curved surface (e.g. a bottle) the preferred orientation of the barcode is “ladder” (where the barcode is rotated so that the bars are like a ladder). When a barcode is printed onto a curved surface, sometimes the extremes of the barcode disappear around the curve, and can’t be read by a barcode scanner – rotating the barcode, so it looks like a ladder avoids this issue.
Please note that barcode orientation can be determined by the printing process. Depending on the printing process you use, you may find that you get a much higher printing quality if the bars of the barcode run in the direction of the print (“web direction”) – in this situation, it is best to print the barcode in the direction of the print if possible.
Place barcode on a smooth surface
Make sure the barcode is placed on a smooth surface so that no part of the barcode is on a crease or edge in the packaging. The barcode should not wrap around a corner. No staples should go through the barcode. Don’t print on perforations, seams, folds, or absorbent paper.
Ensure there is sufficient space around your barcode
Make sure there is sufficient space around the barcode symbol, and that other symbols or text don’t encroach on it. A retail (EAN-13 or UPC-A) barcode has a 2mm-3mm “quiet zone” (blank margin) on both the left and right sides. Make sure that these quiet zones are left as they are, and aren’t cropped off or overlapped with other symbols/text.
If you have small packaging or limited space for the barcode symbol, you can reduce your EAN-13 (or UPC-A) barcode down to 80% of standard size – i.e. down to about 30mm wide x 20mm high. We don’t recommend reducing your barcode size any further than this. The smaller the barcode the trickier they are to print well. Some FMCG stores will reject barcodes that are less than 30x20mm.
Avoid printing too close to the edge of a product. This is where the checkout operator may hold the item and so block the barcode. 8mm from the edge is the official recommendation, and no closer than 5mm from the edge.
Where to position barcodes on books and magazines
Book ISBN barcodes should be printed on the lower right of the book’s back cover.
Magazine and newspaper ISSN barcodes should be printed on the front cover at the bottom.
Click here for more information on how to get an ISBN or ISSN in Hong Kong.
Barcode Images (for number purchased from our company)
Enter your barcode number into the “additional information” section when you get to the checkout page.
Once an order is received you will receive an email with the images in 4 different formats (jpeg, png, svg & pdf).
Quantity Price per Image (4 different formats) 1 + $ 50 each 10 + $ 15 each 20 + $ 10 each 50 + Please contact us. -
Code-39 or Code-128 Images
Here you can purchase sequences of either code-39 or code-128 images. These will be emailed to you in 4 different formats (Bitmap, Eps., Tiff, Jpeg, PDF) via a shared dropbox folder.
Please specify what alpha-numeric data sequence you want in the “additional information” section when you get to the checkout page – Something like 1000-1999 works well for a lot of 1000.
Note – these come in a standard size of 22mm x 30mm – if you require a different size please specify this in “additional information” section during checkout
Quantity Price per image 1 $ 190 2 $ 140 each 3 $ 100 each 4 + $ 80 each 10 + $ 40 each 20 + $ 25 each 50 + $ 12 each -
Select options
Quantity Price per Custom QR code 1 $400 STATIC QR Codes
– these encode YOUR URL directly in the QR code
– these are permanent – they will work as long as your website URL doesn’t change
– they can’t be changed, as the URL is encoded directly in the QR Code
– unlimited scans
(these can also be used for things other than URLs eg encoding text, v business cards, sending an email or SMS message)DYNAMIC QR Codes
– these use our Dynamic QR Code service – to enable the target URL to be changed in the future if required
– unlimited scans¹
– lifetime redirection²
– target URL can be changed at any time³
– user tracking available°¹ Fair use allowed
² Initial purchase includes redirection for two years. After this, there is a hosting fee every two years.
³ FREE unlimited redirection via our customer portal
° Tracking reports are available at low cost – pricing depends on frequency, complexity of reports, and how many QR Codes are being tracked -
EAN (or UPC) Barcode Images
If you have a barcode number that you require the images for, these can be purchased here. Please enter your barcode number into the “additional information” section when you get to the checkout page. You will receive an email with your barcode images as attached files in 4 different formats (jpeg, png, svg & pdf).
Quantity Price per image 1 $ 190 2 $ 140 each 3 $ 100 each 4 + $ 80 each 10 + $ 40 each 20 + $ 25 each 50 + $ 12 each -
Enhanced package of barcode artwork design – $695
Three custom designs based on your barcode number.
Designs based on your product type or company.
If wanted, one design will incorporate your company logo.
(We vectorise your logo if required).
Delivery within 5 working days (or less if possible).
Images supplied to you in eps, svg, png, jpg & pdf formats.PLEASE NOTE: This package does not include the cost of the barcode number – this can be purchased separately here.
Need some ideas? Have a look at Pinterest.
ISBN Barcode Images
Please enter your 13 digit ISBN Number (with hyphens) in the additional information section when filling out your details after proceeding to checkout (if you don’t have an ISBN number yet please order one from our sister company
Immediate Delivery: Your ISBN barcode images will be automatically emailed to you straight away in 4 different formats (jpeg, pdf, png & svg). Download Sample ISBN Barcode Images (zip file)
Quantity Price per image 1 $ 190 2 $ 140 each 3 $ 100 each 4 + $ 80 each 10 + $ 40 each 20 + $ 25 each 50 + $ 12 each -
ISSN Barcode Images
Here you can purchase ISSN Barcode images (based on your ISSN number). These will be manually created and emailed through to you in 5 different formats (eps, bmp, jpeg, tif, pdf) once the order has been received. Please enter your 8-digit ISSN number in the “additional information” section when you are checking out. If you don’t have an ISSN number yet please apply for one from the British Library, and then come back here to purchase the barcode images for it.
Quantity Price per image 1 $ 190 2 $ 140 each 3 $ 100 each 4 + $ 80 each 10 + $ 40 each 20 + $ 25 each 50 + $ 12 each -
Other Barcode Images
If you require any other type of barcode image, you can purchase this here. We routinely supply the following formats of barcodes: EAN-13, UPC-A, ITF-14, Code-128, Code-39, QR Code, SSCC Codes and various other types of 2D and 1D Barcodes. Please enter the quantity of different barcode image sets you require, and enter your barcode numbers or information to be encoded in the ‘additional information’ section when checking out. You will receive an email with your barcode images as attached files in 4 different formats (jpeg, png, svg & pdf).
Quantity Price per image 1 $ 190 2 $ 140 each 3 $ 100 each 4 + $ 80 each 10 + $ 40 each 20 + $ 25 each 50 + $ 12 each -
Select options
QR Code Images
You will receive your QR code images in minutes. To be able to make your QR code we need the URL you wish encoded. If you don’t supply this the automation cannot make the QR code.
Decide how many QR codes you need. Add that quantity to cart. Then at the checkout page enter the data or URL you want to be encoded into the “additional information” box on the right side of the checkout page. Enter separate URLs on separate lines. Standard QR codes (Static and Dynamic) are made automatically and will be emailed to you within minutes. More complex 2D codes such as v-business cards are made manually and take 2-20 hours. V business cards can only be made as static format.
The QR code images will be sent to you in 5 formats .tif, .bmp, .jpg, .pdf & .eps formats.
NOTE: If purchasing multiple QR Codes at the same time, our discounted pricing structure requires that they all be made at the same time.We have TWO types of QR codes available here for website URLs – Static and Dynamic (via URL hosting service)
Quantity Price Per Code Total Price (in HKD) 1 HK$160 HK$160 2+ HK$130 HK$260+ 5+ HK$115 HK$345+ 10+ HK$95 HK$950+ 20+ HK$80 HK$1600+ 30+ HK$70 HK$2100+ 40+ HK$60 HK$2400+ 50+ HK$50 HK$2500+ 100+ HK$40 HK$4000+ 200+ HK$25 HK$5000+ 500+ HK$12 HK$6000+ 1000+ HK$6.99 HK$6990+ What’s the difference between static and dynamic QR codes?
- Encode your URL directly
- Permanent and will work as long as your website URL doesn’t change
- Can’t be changed, as the URL is encoded directly in the QR Code
- Unlimited scans
Dynamic QR Code service – to enable the target URL to be changed in the future if required
- unlimited scans¹
- after two year’s there is a hosting fee.
- FREE redirection at any time via our portal
- target URL can be changed at any time– user tracking available°
¹ Please see our Fair Use Policy
° Tracking reports are available at low cost – pricing depends on frequency, complexity of reports, and how many QR Codes are being tracked -
Standard Barcode Artwork Package – $300
One custom design based on your barcode number and product type or concept.
Delivery within 5 working days (or less if possible).
Images supplied to you in eps, svg, png, jpg & pdf formats.PLEASE NOTE: This package does not include the cost of the barcode number – this can be purchased separately here.